Friday, November 23, 2012

Why it's ok to be sad during the holidays...

But I had a quick thing to share.

The Holidays have officially begun. Bring in Frank Sinatra...

There's this notion that the holidays are the happiest time of the year... and consequently we feel that we 'should' be happy.

The ironic is that during this time of the year, psychiatrists, therapists are FILLED with patients.... who get depressed during the holidays.

The reason I realized is this whole facade of 'everyone should be happy, this is the holidays!' that the holiday time usually carries with it. Therefore, I, or one feels like they 'should' be happy... and when they're not, and it seems like 'everyone else is' one feels upset, already adding to the state of not being happy they already were in!
This leads to depression. Truth be told, most of this is just marketing crap that companies use to get you in to their stores during the holidays. Buy buy buy...

But the truth is, if your not happy, you shouldn't feel like you should. You 'should' be congruent to how you feel. If you feel sad, upset, not happy, why should you feel like you should pretend to be happy? That's in my opinion why people storm mental health office during the holidays. This lie that one 'should' be happy...

One should be congruent. If your feeling depressed, feel depressed. Its when we try to fake our feelings is when shit gets worst. Some people may actually need to go see a dr. either way, holidays or not. But this whole thing about 'pretending' to be happy... and feeling like 'we should' needs to stop. It's just a tactic from companies.

If your not happy, then the happiest place to be is to be NOT HAPPY. In other words, feel how you feel. Don't try to fight it, deny it or even worst, change it.
Be where you at. And perhaps from that place, some happyness will arise...